February Meeting

We have postponed our February meeting to March. Clark’s had some damage done due to weather so we opted to wait.

Febuary Meeting Thurs 18th at Clarks Restaurant outdoors undercover 5:00 dinner available. Meeting 6:30-8pm.

Feb Meeting Zoom invite. ~Topic: OPAC at ClarksTime: Feb 18, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Time Sensitive – ALL HANDS ON DECK:On Tuesday 1/26 @ 3:30 PM, House Trans Committee is having a hearing on HB-1251, we need you to sign in “PRO”


Committee: select Transportation
Meeting: select 1/26 3:30
select HB 1251 Wheeled ATV’s / state highways
select “I would like my position noted for the public record”
select “PRO” put your Club or FB Group Name in for the org feild.
You can also provide a written testimony if you wish by choosing that option.

It will allow counties to open up 35 mph segments of state routes in unincorporated areas to WATV travel, fueling and stores.