Enchanted Valley Chalet’s future, on the upper Quinault River, continues to be threatened by the river and Olympic National Park, who wants it removed. Volunteers saved it by moving it away from falling into the river and erosion is threatening it again.
The Park’s Environmental Assessment process drags on, now behind in the13th of a long 15 step process. Will the Chalet still be there, when the process is done? (2020 Photo)
From David Galyean…
Here’s the picture of the chalet when it was built brand new in hewn logs.
Proof that it wasn’t originally a canopy, window gutters before the park rangers added it on afterward.
Third picture: My family’s scrapbook given to us from Freda
The last picture was given to me in January ‘84 while my parents and I decided to visit my grandpa Glenn’s sister, Freda Schwab in Buckley, Washington.